Letter from America: Dr Allan Cunningham: Nov 28th: who will run the FDA, CDC and HHS in the USA and what it means for vaccine zealots
Marty Makary is professor of surgery and public health policy at Johns Hopkins with an MPH from Harvard. Early on he criticized lockdowns during the Covid pandemic and was a withering critic of the CDC/FDA’s universal Covid-19 vaccine policy and their dismissal of natural immunity: 1) “We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April” WSJ 2/19/21…2) “Think Twice Before Giving the COVID Vax to Healthy Kids” MedPage Today 6/10/21…3) “The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC’s Push to Vaccinate Children” WSJ 7/20/21…4) “Covid Confusion at the CDC” WSJ 9/13/21…5) “Should You Vaccinate Your 5-Year-Old?...6) “The Dangerous Push to Give Boosters to Teens” WSJ 12/22/21…7) “Universities’ Covid Policies Defy Science and Reason”
, 1/4/22…8) “CDC Using Science as Political Propaganda—The Absolute Worst Studies Came From Them” Fox Business Tonight 2/15/22…9) “the Exaggeration of Long Covid” WSJ 12/13/22…10) “Biden Waves Through Another Covid Shot” WSJ 8/31/23.
Donanemab: Conflicts of interest found in FDA committee that approved new Alzheimers’ drug. Lenzer & Brownlee, BMJ 2024;386:q2010, September 25.
Dr. David Weldon nominated to be Director of the CDC. He is a board-certified internist and served seven terms as a Florida congressman. He believed that thimerosal in vaccines caused autism and introduced a “vaccine safety bill” to relocate most vaccine safety research from the CDC—which he said had an “inherent conflict of interest”—to a separate agency within the Department of Health and Human Services. (NY Times, November 22, 2024)
5 of RFK Jr.’s most controversial views. 1) Vaccines cause autism…2) Opposition to Covid-19 vaccines, including racially tinged views that they are particularly harmful to Blacks, Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people…3) HIV/AIDS denialism…4) Opposition to fluoridated water…5) Support for the benefits of raw milk. (thehill.com, 15 November 2024)…standforhealthfreedom.com supports Kennedy precisely because he is willing to scrutinize scientific consensus on vaccines, raw milk, offshore wind, glyphosate, electromagnetic radiation, food additives, etc. He wants to ban direct-to-consumer drug ads and gain-of-function research. He would remove ultra-processed food from school lunches and fluoride from US water systems. He would investigate the environmental causes of declining fertility. Finally, he would free US federal agencies from corporate capture and provide the general public with complete and transparent access to research data on drugs and vaccines…”How Kennedy Could Make It Harder for You and Your Family to Get Vaccinated” Osterholm & Emanuel, New York Times, 20 November 2024. “The US could reverse decades of health gains if Mr. Kennedy is given the ability to shape health policy and perhaps muzzle the CDC on children’s vaccinations.” NOTE: some of us think the CDC badly needs some muzzling!
Not much Flu, Covid, or RSV yet in the US. As of the week ending November 16, the CDC says only 2.1% of tests were reported positive for influenza, 3.7% of tests were positive for Covid-19, and 6.1% of tests were positive for RSV. Over the years our flu seasons have peaked on average at the end of January, so we have about two months to go before the peak.
US adult vaccine uptake: Just 36.6% have gotten flu shots, 18.9% have gotten Covid-19 shots, and 40.1% of adults over 75 have gotten RSV shots. Americans are ignoring the CDC propaganda.
Covid-19 vaccine miscellany: 1) Lisa Domski, a 30-year employee at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan won, a $12.7 million judgment from the company because they fired her in 2021 for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine because of her religious beliefs. (www.newsweek.com, 9 November 2024)…2) The UK no longer recommends Covid-19 vaccine for pregnant women. According to the UKHSA there were no Covid deaths or ICU admissions for pregnant women from October 2022 to December 2023, and they calculate that over 13,000 pregnant women would need to be vaccinated to prevent one “severe hospital admission” of a baby under three months of age. (Peter Selley, BMJ Rapid Response, 20 November 2024)…3) “Changing views toward mRNA based covid vaccines in the scientific literature: 2020-2024” Thoene, Polish Annals of Medicine 2024;31:152. From 2020 to 2024, the literature has gone from claiming there were absolutely no serious adverse events (SAEs) from mRNA vaccines (2020/2021) to an acknowledgement of a significant number of various SAEs (2023-2024), including but not limited to neurological complications, myocarditis, pericarditis and thrombosis. The early scientific literature was biased, so as not to report SAEs, due to social and political concerns and overwhelming corporate greed. Only in the last year have scientists have been able to publish articles that acknowledge a high number of SAEs linked to mRNA based vaccines. The New England Journal of Medicine published Pfizer research in 2020 and 2021 which, in retrospect, falsely claimed mRNA vaccine freedom from SAEs. This drastic 3-year shift shows serious vulnerabilities in Western medical research…4) “Leading Surgeon: Extremely Aggressive Cancers With a Different Biology Are Mutating in Covid-Vaccinated” www.lionessofjudah.substack.com, 28 October 2024. Dr. James Royle is a colorectal and general surgeon in the UK whose team has witnessed extremely aggressive cancers in Covid-vaccinated patients. His observations are shared by expert oncologists and clinical colleagues around the world. He has also seen deaths from necrotizing pancreatitis after vaccine boosters, and unusual cases of gangrenous cholecystitis and gangrenous appendicitis. Before the vaccines his elective cancer mortality rate was one death in 5 years. After the vaccine rollout there were 6 deaths in 30 days. There are many plausible mechanisms by which cancer can be induced, potentiated or accelerated by the mRNA gene injections, including high levels of bacterial plasmid contamination, presence of the SV40 tumour promoter, disruption of the p53 suppressor gene, and generalized immunosuppression. Dr. Royle’s reports to regulators since June 2021 have been ignored.
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has enormous prestige. It is owned by the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS), a non-profit organization with 24,000 members. MMS has total assets of $282 million and revenues of $125,843,070 in 2023, with the majority of income from the NEJM. The executive vice-president of MMS earns $909,000 annually for half-time work. Editor-in-Chief of the NEJM, Jeffrey Drazen earns $416,000 annually for a half-time job. The NEJM is home to industry publications, which dominate its research section. NEJM is resistant to data sharing, and despite its emphasis on rigor, there have been 25 NEJM retractions in Retraction Watch’s database. Several NEJM-published industry trials have been associated with substantial harms (Vioxx, Rosiglitazone) due to underreporting of adverse events. In 1996 the NEJM editors made it official policy that reviews and editorials could never be written by authors with financial conflicts of interest. However, in 2000 Jerome Kassirer was replaced by Drazen, with ties to at least 20 drug companies, who reversed the policy. Drazen waited 5 years to publish concerns about Vioxx, according to BMJ editor Richard Smith and the editors of The Wall Street Journal. (“Let’s all Join the Massachusetts Medical Society” Heneghan & Jefferson, www.trusttheevidence.substack.com, 13 November 2024) SEE ALSO: “Sticking to principles and anticipating outcomes” Jefferson, J Roy Soc Med 2017;110:458. Unanticipated outcomes is the personal story of Jerome P. Kassirer. It provides an opportunity to consider the ethical principles of biomedical and scientific publishing. Conflicts of interest, reporting and fraud affect the credibility of medical communication, which rest on the transparency of its processes.
DR. JAY BHATTACHARYA NOMINATED NIH DIRECTOR. NOVEMBER 27, 2024. MAGNIFICENT! He is a professor of medicine, economics and health research policy at Stanford. He was co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration in October 2020 which condemned massive lockdowns, vaccine mandates and universal vaccination, believing that natural immunity in the healthy population was safe and essential to the development of lasting herd immunity.
The autism conundrum continued. A selective look at some older articles: 1) “Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes—A review” (160 references) Ratajczak, Journal of Immunotoxicology 2011;8:68. a) drugs in pregnancy: valproate, thalidomide, misoprostol, acetaminophen…b) fetal testosterone…c) hormonal contraception…d) viral infections…e) environmental toxins: phthalates, PCBs, pesticides, heavy metals…f) vaccines and thimerosal…g) formula feeding/lack of breastfeeding…h) increased maternal and paternal age…i) low birthweight…2) “Autism and the Environment” Daniels, Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114:A396…3) “Autism’s New Paradigm: Seeking Answers to Environmental Threats” Lerner, Autism Advocate 2006; Fifth Edition December…4) “Weaning Time of Children with Infantile Autism” Tanoue & Oda, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 1989;19:425. Children with the diagnosis of autism at age 3 were more likely to have been weaned from breastfeeding before one month than normal 3-year-olds. (OR 2.35, chi-square 12.598, P<0.001)…5) “Is MMR Linked to Autism? Epidemiological Perspectives” Testimony of Walter O. Spitzer, M.D., M.P.H., F.R.C.P.C. Before The Government Reform Committee U.S. House of Representatives, 25 April 2001. A long, detailed, meticulously documented statement by the retired chairman of the School of Public Health at McGill University. He concludes: “Autism is such a serious outcome that at least one controlled epidemiological study that explores aetiology should be done…In prudence, I also believe that each new vaccine should be scrutinized for safety in the post-marketing period, one by one. I continue agnostic, but today the general burden of scientific evidence makes it difficult to set aside an MMR/autism link…I would be delighted to be proven wrong and to have my concerns minimized or dispelled by the highest standard of laboratory research, by well designed clinical studies, by valid safety projects, and by rigorous aetiologically oriented epidemiology. Until then, it is premature to offer assurance about the safety of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine.”…6) “A Population-Based Study of Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccination and Autism” Madsen et al, NEJM 2002;347:1477. This is the study that public health authorities refer to as proof that MMR (and other vaccines) do not cause autism…However, follow-up letters from Spitzer, Mullins and Wakefield emphasized the study’s serious flaws. (NEJM 2003;348:951) In response, first author Madsen acknowledged that “We cannot rule out the existence of a susceptible subgroup with an increased risk of autism if vaccinated.” Since this article and the follow-up letters were published there has been no substantive change in our knowledge of the association between MMR (or other vaccines) and autism. It is still premature to offer any assurance about the safety of MMR or other vaccines regarding the cause of autism.
The brooding concern about simian viruses that contaminate vaccines. 1)“Monkeys, viruses, and vaccines” Review of The Virus and the Vaccine, Bookchin & Schumacher 2004, by Tom Curtis, Lancet 2004;364:407. “For credible epidemiological studies confirming whether SV40 from polio vaccines has caused human cancers, we may have to wait until a new generation is put in charge of the USA’s health research bureaucracy.”…2) SV40, Wikipedia, 2 August 2014…3) Herbert Ratner, Wikipedia, November 2024. In 1997 Herb Ratner handed over vials of the 1955 polio vaccine that had been in his basement refrigerator for more than 40 years to Dr. Michele Carbone, who proceeded to discover two separate strains of SV40, one of which was a slow-growing strain not previously known to have been in polio vaccines, but was the same strain found in some cancerous tumors. (“Unique strains of SV40 in commercial polio vaccines from 1955 not readily identifiable with current testing for SV40 infection” Rizzo, Ratner, Carbone, Cancer Research 1999;59:6103)…I never knew this story until recently, although I knew Dr. Ratner personally, having attended La Leche League meetings with him, shared meals with him, and served with him on the La Leche League Advisory Board. I knew him as one of the “founding fathers” of La Leche League.
From Chimpanzees to Children: The Origins of RSV-Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Redwood, www.childrenshealthdefense.org, 27 August 2021. Chimpanzee Coryza Virus (CCV) was first identified in 1955 in a group of chimps used for polio research at Walter Reed Army Research Institute in Silver Spring, Maryland. The caretaker for the monkeys developed CCV in early 1956, and the virus spread from the caretaker to several of his bunk mates at the Institute. One year later, in 1957, a new virus was found in infants in Baltimore. That virus, identical to CCV, was renamed Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Five years later, the RSV virus was responsible for the majority of severe respiratory infections in infants and children across the globe.
10 myths told by COVID experts—and debunked by Marty Makary. (New York Post, 27 February 2023) 1) Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity…2) Masks prevent COVID transmission…3) School closures reduce COVID transmission…4) Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection…5) Young people will benefit from a vaccine booster…6) Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates…7) COVID originating from the Wuhan lab is a conspiracy theory…8) It was important to get the second vaccine dose three or four weeks after the first dose…9) Data on the bivalent vaccine is ‘crystal clear’…10) One in five people get Long COVID…Our public health officials are scientists and humanitarians, but they are also bureaucrats, often driven by fear, ignorance, arrogance, commercial interests and personal ambition.
ALLAN S. CUNNINGHAM 28 November 2024 Cooperstown NY 13326 USA